Friday, July 25, 2008

Home Again

Here I am, back in New Jersey, though still getting oriented to being home. My last day in Tel Aviv was really nice, with a swim in the Mediterranean (warm as a bath!), lots of walking around, and a nice time with a colleague from school shopping and visiting a museum. My flight back was long but relatively comfortable, as I scored an exit row seat. It was great (really better than great--amazing and wonderful) to see Miri, Elie, and Matthew, and I have also been very happy to be returned to my comfortable home and the everyday luxuries I take for granted--good, hot coffee, a clothes dryer, etc.

I have really enjoyed keeping this online journal and have been happy to hear from many of you. The act of recording, even if only a small fraction of my experiences, has given me a perspective I think I would have otherwise missed. I'm kind of sad to be leaving the blog behind--it's been a rare treat to have time to reflect on my life in something almost like "real time." But I am also relieved to be off the hook for the responsibility (self-imposed but still quite compelling) of keeping up with the posting. I hope that I will be able to keep writing regularly this year and that the gift of keeping a regular journal will be only one of the many things I take forward from my experiences in Israel as I return to "real life."

I return to work on Monday and anticipate a busy rest of the summer, but I hope you will be in touch--wishing you peace and happiness . . .

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